The Psychological & Educational Testing Center
Psychological, Educational and Neuropsychological Testing
Why are psychological tests used? Because the best interventions begin with proper assessment.
Psychological assessment can be used for many important purposes including: clinical screening, making a diagnosis, identifying strengths and weaknesses, educational programming such as IEP or 504 planning, for the documentation of accommodations that are needed to find success on standardized exams such as the SAT or ACT as well as college and/or employment positions and for eligibility for disability services such as those offered through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) in NY.
To determine if
learning, attentional, verbal, social, and/or emotional problems are interfering with functioning,
diagnostic psychological evaluation may be very helpful. Psychological testing may hold the
key in determining why a child or teen is not finding success in the school setting or why an adult may be struggling in college or in their work environment.
With regard to children, frustration with school may be an early warning sign that learning is difficult. A child can experience difficulties with school for many different reasons. Our staff
will work with you, your child, and school personnel to obtain the answer. When evaluating adults, significant others are often interviewed and data may be collected from them to offer a more objective clinical viewpoint. All evaluations
are individualized to meet our client's specific needs.
Intelligence or Cognitive Testing
The Psychological & Educational Testing Center employs
state-of-the-art cognitive or intelligence tests. Some of the measures that we use include
the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition (WISC-V), Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB-5) and the Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale - Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV). We test for giftedness and provide documentation for Gifted and Talented Programs. Testing for intellectual disabilities is routinely provided for social and educational agencies.
Educational Testing
Educational testing is available at our center to determine academic
achievement levels including reading, writing, mathematical skills and comprehension abilities and to assess for specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia. Learning problems can
go unnoticed for years unless they are properly identified. We
pinpoint barriers to the learning process that routinely interfere with educational functioning with measures such as the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement as well as specific tests for reading, writing and mathematical skills.
Personality & Emotional Functioning
Assessment of an individual's personality traits, characterological variables and temperament may assist with psychotherapeutic planning and treatment interventions. Our staff conduct comprehensive diagnostic interviews and use standardized measures to help the person discover factors or conditions that interfere with more adaptive functioning. Depression, Bipolar Disorder, anxiety conditions including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are only some of the psychological issues that we evaluate at our facility.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment
We offer comprehensive evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The first step in our assessment process involves clinical interviewing of parents or caregivers. This includes a thorough review of the individual’s developmental history and functioning within educational, psychological, psychiatric, and medical domains. We also obtain information with regard to the presence, extent and severity of symptoms including communication and social functioning, restricted interests or repetitive behaviors. Behavioral observations and a variety of measures are then employed including the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS or Vineland-3). Measures of social-emotional functioning (e.g., anxiety, depression) may also be used if indicated, especially when determining interventions.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment
When evaluating for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, adolescents and adults, history taking through comprehensive interviewing is critical. Family, social, academic, and relevant medical history offers valuable diagnostic insight and is routinely collected by staff.
Consultation with parents, school personnel and medical professionals along with standardized measures of executive skill functions (i.e., attention span, self-control, working
memory and organizational abilities) are included on our ADHD assessment, which typically spans 4 - 5 meetings. At times, cognitive and educational testing is used to determine whether a learning disability is also present as well as measures of anxiety, depression and other social-emotional states and personality tests to gain a better diagnostic picture.
Neuropsychological Testing
Neuropsychological testing is often indicated when an individual suffers from dementia, encounters a traumatic brain injury, concussion, seizure, stroke or other brain-based injury. We provide complete evaluation of neuropsychological
domains including attention, learning and memory skills, alertness, orientation, executive
functioning, visuospatial abilities, and sensory and motor skills.
Related Psychological Evaluations & Documentation
Psychological evaluations for adults are routinely conducted for government agencies (e.g.,
police department) to assist in the hiring and employment process. Evaluations for the judicial
system before trial or as part of the probation requirement are also conducted.
Testing for bariatric surgery clearance and "Psychological fitness-for-duty" is available. Written reports
are provided to medical professionals, school districts, courts or other requesting agencies when required.
For those seeking testing accommodations such as extended time, separate location, etc., proper documentation is required by agencies such as the College Board for examinations administered by them including the PSAT, NMSQT, SAT, CLEP and AP exams. The ACT examination, which is administered by ACT, Inc. also requires this documentation.
If an individual has a disability or suspects a disability, we provide testing and documentation. We will include in our report, the diagnosis, data regarding functional limitations that affect participation in these tests and statements regarding how and why the requested accommodations are appropriate. The criteria that we follow can be found at the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) section of the College Board website and general information is provided at
Psychological Evaluations for Egg Donors & Egg Recipients
Having a child with the help of an egg donor requires full collaboration between the egg donor and recipient. The psychological evaluation is used to evaluate personality traits and patterns. Moreover, it is essential to gather detailed family history and personal information which may be relevant in determining biological patterns. Clinical interview will identify family psychiatric history, educational factors and explore family background. All of this information helps match the egg donor with the "best fit" parents-to-be. The egg donor must have the mental capacity and personality to understand any long-term psychological effects of this decision. Egg recipients undergo psychological evaluation for similar reasons. How will the couple feel about having a child that is not genetically completely their own? It is important to verify that both partners have the necessary cognitive skills to understand this decision, and that the parent(s) has a clear commitment to the child as their own.
Vocational, Career and "Best Fit" College Assessment
Our testing center helps people discover vocational and career interests. We also assist with finding the "best fit" colleges and college majors for our clients.
Many people are faced with decisions about changing their career, returning to the work force after a leave (due to personal choice, illness or injury) or have a desire to engage in a career that they never thought was possible. With our guidance, valuable information will be obtained to help you discover your career path. Staff meet with you to review your past education and employment history, and we will administer Personality Tests (e.g., MMPI-2, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-3) and Career Interest Inventories geared toward your specific needs.
Choosing a college, deciding upon a major and discovering a career path can be exciting milestones in an individual's life. Yet, this is a time that is often filled with stress, anxiety, frustration and confusion. Our staff obtains information about your interests, abilities, learning style and personality traits. We utilize this information to move you on a path toward completing your education and help your decision-making process.
As we work together and learn about your personal values, personality traits, abilities, interests and goals, we will assist you in problem-solving and decision-making. Our staff will review testing results with you in a clear and concise manner while addressing your questions and concerns. We will develop a complete picture of your ideal vocational, career or college paths based on your interests, abilities, learning style and personality traits.
About The Psychological & Educational Testing Center
All services at The Psychological & Educational Testing Center are provided by New York State licensed Psychologists with backgrounds in clinical, school, and developmental psychology as well as neuropsychology. The Center does not believe that people, especially children, should wait months for an appointment.
Intake appointments are guaranteed within one week in most cases. Receipts are provided for insurance reimbursement. The Center accepts all major credit cards, checks and cash for services. A proper and accurate assessment can change a child or adult's future and this is a challenge that the Center takes very seriously. Call today for an appointment. Brochure (requires Adobe Acrobat)
See Press Release.